Effie Ellsler-搜索结果

  • 好莱坞的价值 What Price Hollywood?


    导演:乔治·库克   编剧:吉恩·福勒, 罗兰德·布朗, 阿德拉·罗杰斯·圣约翰斯, 简·默芬, 本·马克森, 罗伯特·普雷纳尔, 艾伦·里弗金, 路易斯·史蒂文斯

    主演:Adrienne D'Ambricourt, Florence Roberts, William Davis, Lewis Sargent, Gordon De Main, 格特鲁德·肖特, 埃迪·邓恩, Effie

      Brown Derby waitress Mary Evans befriends seldom-sober director Max Carey and is soon in the big-time. She hooks Eastern millionaire Lonnie Borden, but he soon tires of the Hollywood lifestyle and of playing second fiddle to a star. Carey looks on with interest--when he can see straight.

  • 真假盗魁 The Whole Town Is Talking

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:约翰·福特   编剧:乔·斯沃林, 罗伯特·里斯金, 威廉·赖利·伯内特

    主演:杰伊·伊顿, Pearl Eaton, Effie Ellsler, 埃迪·凡特思顿, 巴德·法恩, Larry Fisher, 萨姆·弗林特, 贝丝·弗劳尔斯, 弗朗西斯·福特, May Foster

      Arthur Ferguson Jones (Edward G. Robinson) and Wilhelmina Clark (Jean Arthur) work at the same accounting firm. Jones turns out to look exactly like the notorious bank robber "Killer" Mannion (also Robinson) and is apprehended by the police.
      After his true identity is confirmed, the district attorney gives Jones a letter identifying him, so that he can avoid the same trouble in...